
Plantar Fasciitis

If you’re suffering from Plantar Fasciitis, our team of award-winning Chiropodists, Athletic Therapists, and Pedortists, can help you to regain the function of your foot. We offer several Plantar Fasciitis Treatment options to get you back on your feet.

Plantar Fasciitis Causes

Plantar Fasciitis research reveals many causes of Plantar Fasciitis and all point to one main reason - inefficient biomechanics in the foot. The way your foot moves affects the entire body, but it is that annoying pain in the heel or the bottom of the foot or even the side of the foot that can differentiate plantar fasciitis from other issues. The common causes of plantar fasciitis are related to improper footwear, too much activity too soon, walking barefoot on hard surfaces for long periods of time, and standing on your feet for long periods particularly on hard surfaces without the proper support.

Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms

The tell-tale sign is that stabbing pain at the bottom of your heel when you take the first few steps out of bed in the morning. It truly makes you hobble, doesn’t it? It feels like someone is jabbing you in the heel- it’s so painful. You then hobble to the bathroom and as you take a few more steps it seems to go away. But then you sit down at your computer or anywhere and when you stand up again, it comes raging back right? 

Classic symptoms are pain at the initiation of movement but don’t be fooled, it can also come on at the end of a long day if you have been on your feet all day. 

Sometimes, you will feel pain at the bottom of the heel while walking or running and other times it is sudden heel pain.

Other times you may think it is Achilles heel pain and sometimes it feels like a burning in your heel. The heel pain can be felt in children as well as adults.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Options

There are many Plantar Fasciitis treatment options that you will read about and some may work better for you than others. 

  • Many try Dr. Scholl’s type of insert with gel as their first line of defence. This can help for sure. First and foremost get some ice on your heel!

Mobility on Mainway recommends these Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Options:

  • Freeze a water bottle and roll the bottom of your foot from heel to toe over the frozen bottle for 3 minutes. 
  • No Bare Feet! If you have hard surfaces in your home consider an OOFOs plantar fasciitis sandal - they will truly change your life. 
  • Add orthotics into your shoes and get an assessment to ensure that your footwear matches your gait pattern. For severe cases a plantar fasciitis a night splint may be necessary. 

How to get Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief?

In order to get relief from Plantar Fasciitis, Mobility on Mainway recommends that you: 

  • Ice your painful heels 2 or 3 times a day
  • Wear orthotics and supportive footwear at all times and get a gait assessment done. You will be well on your way to pain relief. For some acute cases, physiotherapy or shockwave treatment may be indicated. Our friends at Mainway Physiotherapy and Burlington Natural Health do a fabulous job.

If you’re suffering from Plantar Fasciitis and are looking to ease the pain, our team of award-winning, highly specialized clinicians have the knowledge and skills to help alleviate your foot pain quickly and effectively. Call us at 289-778-5702 to book an appointment. 

Plantar Fasciitis Exercises & Plantar Fasciitis Stretches 

Mobility on Mainway’s Chiropodist in Burlington recommends the following Plantar Fasciitis Exercises & Plantar Fasciitis Stretches to help alleviate some of the pain: 

  • Heel Drops at the end of a step. Stand with your heels off the edge of a step. Drop your heels down and feel the stretch on the back of your calf.
  • Toe Pulls- wrap a belt around your toes and with your leg extended, pull your toes towards your knees to stretch the bottom of your foot. You will feel a stretch in your calf as well.

Mobility on Mainway in Burlington’s Best Shoe Recommendation for Plantar Fasciitis:

Depending on your gait, there may be different options for you. The OOFOS sandal is amazing for instant heel pain relief and any pronation control shoe like the Asics GT or the Brooks Adrenaline or Saucony Hurricane. Ideally, have your gait assessed by one of Burlington’s best Chiropodists to find the right shoe for your foot type. If you’re suffering from Plantar Fasciitis and are looking to ease the pain, our team of award-winning, highly specialized clinicians have the knowledge and skills to help alleviate your foot pain quickly and effectively. Call us at 289-778-5702 to book an appointment.

Mobility on Mainway in Burlington also offers: 


Proudly Canadian owned, located in Burlington, Ontario. Our experienced Chiropodist, Pedorthist, and Athletic Therapist are here to help.

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